A1 B2 C3- Z26 standard English Method

Prophets 117

Israelites 117

Testament 117

Pentecost 117

July eight 117 7/8

Days of Lot 117

Divide Israel 117

Ocho de julio 117 8/7

Wrath of GOD 117

Flesh and blood 117


I Have Commanded 117

longitude/latitude San Diego 117/33

Mysteries 133

Forty days 133

Holy nation 133

Government 133

Seven years 133

Continents 133

Overcomers 133

Transformed 133

Hidden secrets 133

Parted My Land 133

House of Judah 133

king of babylon 133

All their evil 133

Remnant of GOD 133

I Will Pardon 133

Ha Shem YESHUA 133

Unleavened Bread 133

Roadmap to peace 133

Day of THE LORD 133

We will be changed 133

The Book of The Law 133

True prophet 162

The Holy People 162

A Time of Trouble 162

I will let it fall 162

Great slaughter 162

Burned with fire 162

Thief in the night 162

The four winds 162

Day of slaughter 162

I will bring doom 162

Judgment day fire 162

Incorruptible 162

Thy Kingdom come 162
The LORD our GOD 162
The Word was GOD 162
The Root of David 162
The House of David 162
The Hebrew Language 162

Time of the heathen 162

San Diego, California 162

sixth tammuz 174 = 7/8/2011

 The Exact midpoint of Jews being forced out of their homes in the Gaza, a plan of the usa, Katrina 74 >>>  usa 41

San Diego 74

Simple 74

English 74

Gematria 74

Hundred 74

To Fill 74

Greater 74

Fruit 74




THE KEY 74 / Parables 74

Lag BaOmer 74


Mark four eight = 152

Thirty = 100 <> Hundred = 74

Sixty = 97 <> Ninety seven = 152

Hundred = 74 <> Seventy four = 170
Mark 4:8 And other fell on good ground, and did yield fruit that sprang up and increased; and brought forth, some Thirty 100, and some Sixty 97, and some an Hundred 74









170 Despised and Rejected
170 The house of bondage

170 the sons of Aaron
170 Elijah the tishbite

170 the dead sea Scrolls
170 the Great Pyramid <>
Isaiah 19:19

The Book of Exodus 152

King of the Jews 152

A little season 152

The Three Weeks 152

The Lost Sheep 152

Forty Years 152

Ninety seven 152
Mark four eight 152

Unto The LORD 152


The end of all flesh 152

“One Faith” 78
"Watcher" 78
"Issachar" 78
"Genesis" 78
“Moedims” 78
"The Elect" 78

"Slaves" 78

"evil day" 78

Truth 87

Priest 87

Twelve 87

In Israel 87

Eighth day 87

Repented 87

Blessing 87

Fulfilled 87

Languages 87

The sun 87

I was naked 87

In The Land 87

Hidden Manna 87

We are Healed 87



8×7=56 8+7= 15 5+6> 11 15 > 26

“Survivor” 144

”Forty four” 144

“Sons of light” 144

“Wise apostle” 144

“Secret songs” 144

“Secret jewels” 144

“Perfect pearls” 144

“Body of Christ” 144

"His Strange Act" 144

“Sanctify a fast” 144

“Yom Kippur” 144

“Eternal people” 144

“Secret parables” 144

”The day of battle 144

"Shall be in rest" 144

“Come out of her” 144

"Day of Trouble" 144

“The GOD of Zion” 144

“Wedding garment” 144


“The GOD Of Israel” 144

“The chosen of GOD” 144

”The dead in Messiah“ 144




























The Law is a parable 153
Psalms 78:1-2

John 21:10-11
Jesus saith unto them, Bring of the fish which ye have now caught. 622

Simon Peter went up, and drew the net to land full of great fishes, an Hundred and Fifty and Three153, and for all there were so many, yet was not the net broken. 1434

The Kingdom of GOD 153

The House of Jacob 153

The Land of Goshen 153

Hebrew Aramaic Greek 153

"The Number of GOD" 153

The Children of GOD 153

"The Water of Life" 153
“The Good Ground” 153

"The Paradise of GOD" 153

"The Oracles of GOD" 153

"HE shall send them" 153

"Secret Wisdom" 153

"The Holy Word" 153

"Sealed Treasure" 153
"Rose of Sharon" 153

"The Whirlwind" 153

"Bow and Arrows" 153

"House of Israel" 153

"Water the sheep" 153

"The Revealed SON" 153

"Latter Glory" 153

“Creation Language” 153

“Language of Israel ” 153

Original Language 153

The Firstfruits 198

Lovingkindnesses 198

The Resurrection 198

The Last Trumpet 198

Blow the Trumpet 198

Worthy is The Lamb 198

HE will raise us up 198

GOD of my Salvation 198

They shall fish them 198

The Creator of Israel 198

Children of Jerusalem 198

Shall have washed away 198

Signs in the Heavens 198

It repented The LORD 198

Man became a living soul 198

Black as sackcloth of hair 198

Isaiah forty-six ten 222

Shalt thou trust 222

Letters as numerals 222

Alphanumeric system 222

The Great Triple Two 222

Simple English gematria 222

Knowledge shall increase 222

The Parable of the sower 222

The secret of the alphabet 222

A thousand years as a day 222

six thousand years 222

It is hidden in the alphabet 222

Vengeance for His Temple 222

The great men of the earth 222

The end from the beginning 222
Daniel 2:22 HE revealeth the deep and secret things, HE knoweth what is in the darkness, and the light dwelleth with Him
In the KJV, the English word "Wisdom" appears in 222 verses

Hebrew-English Languages 222

Citizen of The Kingdom of GOD 260

THY Kingdom 126

YHWH_26 (Yod, Hey, Waw, Hey) 10+5+6+5 26 (Hebrew Standard Method)

GOD 26__ G 7 O15 D 4__ 7+15+4 26 (Standard English Method)

YHWH (Hebrew Mispar katan method) truncates the zeros
1+5+6+5 17

GOD 17__7+1+5+4 17 (SEM reduced)

(SEM) 5+12 = 17

EL 17


TORAH 62 and 26

T20 O15 R18 A1 H8__ 20+15+18+1+8 62 (SEM)

2+0+1+5+1+8+1+8 26 (SEM reduced)

Four verses equal 1717 in the scriptures, standard Hebrew method

1) 7373rd vs. 160th vs. 1st Samuel 8:3 And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took bribes, and perverted judgment. 987 <> 1717

2) 11878th vs. 683rd vs. 2 Chronicles 32:2 And when Hezekiah saw that sennacherib was come, and that he was purposed to fight against Jerusalem 909 <> 1717

3) 13258th vs. 388th vs. Job 16:19 Also now, behold, my witness is in Heaven, and my Record is on High. 607 <> 1717

4) 14610th vs. 670th vs. Psalms 45:12 And the daughter of tyre shall be there with a gift, even the rich among the people shall intreat thy favour. 987 <> 1717

Verses 1 & 4 both equal 987 in the Standard English method

The 1717th vs. equals 987 in the Standard English method

1717th vs. 184th vs. Exodus 8:6 And Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of egypt, and the frogs came up, and covered the land of egypt. 987 <> 3795

Wow, Absolutely YAH Mazing, Praise His Name
The Last Signs 153

Plain English code 153

Wisdom-Proof 153

The Faith is a Verb 153

A Divine Sequence 153

Elijah Generation 153

God’s Basic Gematria 153

Logos archives 153
Find the Truth 153

Secret Wisdom 153
The Truth Gate 153
God’s Precision 153

Wisdom Archived 153
Encrypted manna 153
Encrypted K.J.V. 153

Signs of Israel 153
Valley of bones 153

Encoded of The Lord 153

A Sealed Puzzle 153

Teaching Mine Elect 153
The Lord’s Earth 153
Bible Code Knowledge 153
Numbered Bible Key 153
The Deeper Evidence 153
The Sum Evidence 153

The Sabbath Evidence 153
Restore Sabbath 153
Appointed Sabbath 153

Alpha - Jesus - Omega 153
Alpha - Messiah - Omega 153
His alphabet Door 153

Reveal Holy Bible 153
The Pyramid Inch 153
Numeric Proof 153
Numeric Secret 153

K.J.V. Prophetic 153

Messiah's Word 153

English Words 153

The Messianic Lamb 153

“ I AM ” The Holy place 153

Alphabet Messages 153

Teach this Word 153

The Christians 153

The Planet Earth 153

The ordinal value for the Hebrew word Hokmah חכמה "wisdom" is 37

The standard hebrew value of חכמה wisdom is 73

Revelation 13:18

Here is wisdom 83. Let 37 him that hath 37 understanding count 73 the number 73 of the beast, for it is the number 73 of a man, and his number 73 is Six hundred threescore and six.= 1451

The 30927th vs. 229th vs. Revelation 13:18 = 1451

The 1451st verse of the bible is Genesis 47:30 total = 1318


The parable of the sower

"ALL quotes from scripture" are out of the 1769 kjv, it is up to you to determine their origin/context i.e. address in the Holy Bible


G 7

M 13
HE 13

EL 17

And 19

Of 21
At 21
Echad 21

In 23
I AM 23

ET 25
Z 26
GOD 26

IS 28
man 28
IT 29

Peace 30

The 33

ONE 34
YAH 34
Grace 34

Eye 35

I AM HE 36

Hell 37

Death 38

And of 40

Good 41

Aleph 42

Sin 42

Was 43

Abraham 44

Judah 44

Hope 44

Faith 44

Of GOD 47

evil 48

of man 49
That 49
When 50
Ha Olam 50

Were 51

Pesach 52
Beth-El 52

Grave 53
Sheep 53

Ha Shem 54

Heaven 55

"satan" 55
"fat man" 55

Be Full 58
The GOD 59
Of Gold 59
Shall Be 59

EL Emet 60
The Lamb 61
I Shall 61
Will Be 61

Torah 62
Emunah 62

Nagasaki 63

Degrees 63



Woman 66
Blessed 66
The Camp 66
The Gate 66

Before ME 69
His Name 69
The LAW 69
Jehovah 69

YaHWeH 70


World 72

Number 73
Count 73

Hundred 74
Fruit 74

Perish 75

until 76

Mouth 77
Christ 77
Maranatha 77

O Israel 79
Fear Not ! 79

a little 79

the medes 79


The Judge 80

Shemot 80

Born Again 81
Tish b av 81
Confess 81
The SON 81

Tongue 82
The Way 82
The LORD 82
Shepherd 83

Aleph tav 85
The Altar 85
The Earth 85
EL Tsaddik 85

the devil 85

O babylon 86
In the day 86

The sun 87

I was naked 87


Languages 87

In the Land 87

We are Healed 87



The Moon 90
The Wheat90
and they had 90
His Voice 90

Spirit 91

Latitude 92

In My Name 94

The Torah 95
Four Faces 95

the tares 96

Sukkot 97

The Face of A Man 98
Quicken me 98
A New Song 98
Two Bands 98

A Just man 99

Ten kings 99

Tabernacles 100
Pharisees 100
Lightning 100
Hiroshima 100
and these are 100
The body of 100

Follow Me 101

Enoch walked 101

Sevenfold 102
Seven heads 102
In that day 102

Shake the hand/? 104


camp babylon 104

I AM The LORD 105

Shavuot 106
EL Yisra'EL 106

A Great Cloud 107
The Good Seed 107
Pesach Sheni 107
Eternal Life 107
The Heavens 107
Earthquake 107
Longitude 107
MY people 107

The Lamb of GOD 108
A Royal Diadem 108
A Great Light 108
Unto death 108
Jesurun 108
Abraham Isaac Jacob 108

His Heritage 109
Mighty Hand 109
Ten women 109

The Stars 110
My Sabbaths 110
The GOD of Peace 110
Hear O Israel 111
Hundredfold 111
Perfection 111
Very Good 111

esau is edom 111

The fifth day 112
Fear The LORD 112

Salvation 113

Ten horns 113

Ask ye now 113

Seal The Book 113

The enola gay 113

bel in babylon 113

Continent 114

One baptism 114

A Child is Born 114

The Face of An Eagle 114

The Image of GOD 115

EL Hashamayim 115

The Saints 115

Passover 115

The Tongue 115

Get Wisdom 115

A Rod of Iron 115

Rejoice and be glad 115

The Sabbath day 116
Prince of Peace 116
The Shepherd 116

Three kings 116

Wonderful 118
Being Born Again 118
The Name of Jacob 118

Forty one 118

The way side 119

"Little Boy" 120
"I Sit a Queen" 120

The Truth 120
King Yeshua 120
The Merciful 120
Rosh Hashanah 120
The Face of a Lion 120

A Place of Refuge 121

The lake of fire 121

The ambushes 121

In the midst 121


Wait for It 121

Revelation 121

The King of kings 122

Judea and Samaria 122

HE was afflicted 122

Ruach ha Kodesh 122

A sharp sickle 122

The wicked one 122

The Third day 122

Rosh Chodesh 122

Tu Bishvat 122

For this is 123

The True GOD 123

The Second day 123

The Holy Bible 123
The Lamb’s wife 123
The Face of an Ox 123
The End of the Age 123

The Spirit 124
Not Perish 124
Let us walk 124
White robes 124
Purim Katan 124
The nine days 124
Hear My Voice 124
I am The LORD's 124

Captivity 125
GOD's Throne 125
The Great King 125
Peace and safety 125

Thy Kingdom 126
Thy Redeemer 126
A Fire in Zion 126
Hear My Speech 126

The Atomic Bomb 126
Tinian Island 126

The oval office 127

Wilderness 128
My battle axe 128
The west bank 128
Hydrogen bomb 128
The land of magog 128

The Son of GOD 128
GOD is the King 128

"Shoot at her" 129

A Cup of Water 129
Hebrew language 129
Who is like Me? 129
A pure language 129
The Book of Life 129

Ten Talents 130
A Tried Stone 130
A Tender Plant 130
The Holy Place 130
The Son of Man 130
The Peacemakers 130
Shall be Exalted 130
The Sea of Galilee 130

False doctrine 131
The way of man 131
A great sword 131
Ten crowns 131

Seven times 131

The Prophet 131
My Holy Name 131
They Four had 131
A Golden Crown 131
The LORD’s Day 131
A Way in the sea 131
The Second Death 131
The Garden of Eden 131

The day of evil 132

Eloah Selichot 132

Shall go into 132

The Most High 132

The Firmament 132

Four Wings 132

The Tree of Life 134
A Son is given 134

The last days 134

Yet now hear 134

In this horn 134

mount seir 134

bohemian grove 134

Sixtyfold 134

The GOD of Heaven 135
O House of Jacob 135
Shema Yisra'EL 135
Simchat Torah 135
The First day 135
See The Kingdom 135
A Keeper of sheep 135

Not Willing 135
Choke The Word 135

The graven image 135

Train up a Child 136
Each Day for a Year 136

Thirtyfold 137

Rise Up Lord 137

Inherited lies 137

The City of GOD 137

In the beginning 137

Above the hills 138
The First Gate 138
LORD of lords 138
Jesus Wept 138

Sixty Five 139
Punishment 139
Corruptable 139
by the sword 139
A great company 139

Twelve Gates 139
Eighty Seven 139
Bless The LORD 139
Saith The LORD 139
The Corner Gate 139
An Eye for an Eye 139

Bruise His Heel 140

The Name Jesus 140

Fifty cubits 140

Jesus Saves 140

The days of Noah 141

David their King 141

The Mighty GOD 141

High Holy days 141

How Many Fish? 141

False prophet 141

Tribulation 141

A Far Country 142

The other left 142

The Mercy Seat 142

Fast of Esther 142

Walked with GOD 142

Silver and Gold 142

The Son of David 142

The Image of Edessa 142

I Have Redeemed thee 142

The sixth day 143

Into the gates 143

Jacob’s trouble 143

Justice delayed 143

I come quickly 143

The Spirit of 145

The Name YESHUA 145

I Have Appointed 145

The spoilers 146

Line upon line 146
Genesis one one 146
A Covenant of Peace 146

Mount Zion 147

smitten of GOD 147

the sons of GOD 147

The Third Heaven 147

By the Roots 148

Nuclear weapon 148

bel is confounded 148

Project blue beam 148

The weight of lead 148

The Trinity 148

This is Zion 148

The Passover 148

An Holy Nation 148

The Whole Heart 148

The House of GOD 148

The Lion of Judah 148

A Wise man Feareth 148

It is withered :(149
The Great prince 149
A Scattered Sheep 149
The People of GOD 149
The Land of Israel 149
The Prince Of Peace 149

A woman in a basket 149

Understanding 150
The Holy City 150
The Gaza Strip 150
Born of A Virgin 150
The Sand of the Sea 150

The Three Weeks 152

Strange language 152

nebuchadrezzar 152

The Lost Sheep 152

The Book of Exodus 152

Forty Years 152

The face of the earth 154
I AM the Alpha and Omega 154

As it is in heaven 155
Blessed is the man 155
A peculiar people 155
Davarim vav dalet 155
Deuteronomy 155
Immortality 155

Another gospel 155
A sound of battle 155
babylon the great 155

The Seventh Day 156

The Seven Angels 156

Nor ever shall be 156

Let there be light 156

The Time is at Hand 156

The land of babylon 156

They shall be afraid 156

The herb of the field 156

O daughter of edom 157

A parable against him 157

The Daily Sacrifice 157

The Time of The End 157

The Good Shepherd 157

Clear as crystal 157

The Stars of GOD 157

The Glory of GOD 157

The Law is Holy 157

Yerushalayim 157

The land of egypt 158
The Little Flock 158
The LORD Liveth 158
Twelve Pearls 158

Woe unto them! 159
A people terrible 159

The Sins of Judah 159

Living Waters 159
The King of Israel 159
A Great Earthquake 159
The End of The Days 159

The Stick of Judah 160
The Throne of GOD 160
Hebrew Thought 160
Tenth of Tevet 160
Return O Lord 160
My Sanctuary 160

A Consumption 160
False prophets 160

The chambers of death 161
Eating and drinking 161
The refuge of lies 161
The wilderness 161

The winepress 161

By day and by night 161

The LORD thy GOD
The Name of Jesus 161
The Tabernacle of GOD 161

A Time of Trouble 162
The Holy People 162

My Statutes 163

The Sun and Moon 163

The Greater Light 163

The King is Coming 163

A man from The LORD 163

The Hand Of The LORD 163

Shall be Established 163

HE shall see His Seed 163

Mixed worship 163

Another tongue 163

The depths of hell 163

There shall be none 163

There were three 163

England France Spain 163

barack hussein obama 163

Everlasting Life 164
The Wise in Heart 164
The Alpha and the Omega 164

The GOD of The Earth 165
The End of this World 165

Test all Things 166
Faithful and True 166

It is the vengeance 166
The mingled people 166

The whitehouse 166
The king of babylon 166
The mark of his name 166

The House of Judah 166

The Name of YESHUA 166

The Height of Heaven 166

The Fear of The LORD 166

Seven Thousand 167

The lesser light 167

John the Baptist 167

by My Name Jehovah 167

The Land of The LORD 167

The nations are mad 167

Shall not be found 168
The house of esau 168
European union 168

Gather the shields 168

Jacob My Servant 168
Enter The Kingdom 168
The Pure in Heart 168
Whom I have Chosen 168
The Arm of The LORD 168
A Flash of Lightning 168

Daughter of Zion 169
peace and security 169
The Bride of Christ 169
The Name of The LORD 169

The Children of Judah 171
The Folk in the Fire 171
The Host of Heaven 171
The Spirit of GOD 171

barry soetoro 171

Shemini Atzeret 172
My Commandments 172
Borne our Griefs 172
A Crown of Glory 172
The High Mountain 172
The Faith of Jesus 172
The Law of The LORD 172
The Oil and the Wine 172

Violence in the land 172

The fear of the wicked 172

By and by he is offended. 173

The wall of babylon 173

The usa is babylon 173

Honour The LORD 173

HE was Oppressed 173

The spirit of man 173

I Am Understanding 173

Shall be Astonished 173

A Chosen Generation 173

Hallowed be Thy Name 173

The Maker of them All 173

Is there a GOD beside ME? 173

The Body of Jesus 174

Temple of His Body 174

The Body of Messiah 174

The spirit of a man 174

The Throne of David 174

Thirty Cubits 174

sixth tammuz 174

New world order 174

his hands waxed feeble 174

A time, times and an half 175

The Tabernacle of David 175

The Angel of The LORD 175


I will answer him 175

The English language 175

The Hebrew tongue 176
The Tents of Judah 176
The Knowledge of GOD 176
The Lamb's book of life 176

The one shall be taken 177

The Rod of Mine Anger 177

The mark of the beast 177

A Great Multitude 177

The latter years 177

mushroom cloud 177

A Man of Sorrows 177

body mind spirit 177

I Will be your GOD 177

The Body of Christ 177

The Day of Trouble 177

The LORD's Vengeance 177

The Likeness of a Man 177

A Praise in the earth 177

I AM The Almighty GOD 177

The Day of Judgment 178

The Fire was Bright 178

The Issues of Life 178

Giants in the earth 178

Eyes Like the eyes 178

Biological weapons 178

A mushroom cloud 178

The first horns 179
The power of evil 179

The Day of Affliction 179
The Fields of Ephraim 179
The Law of the Wise 179
The Body Of YESHUA 179
Jacob shall Return 179
The Torah is Light 179
The New Jerusalem 179
Stand not Still 179

A Parable of the fig tree 180
Shall all hands be faint 180
Cast her up as heaps 180
Sodom and gomorrah 180
Shall subdue three 180
Gematria prophecy 180

The Way to Zion 181

My Sanctified Ones 181

Even to the soul 181

One hundred eighteen 181

USA 41 forty one 118

Citizen of the usa 181

The Anger of The Lord 181

Foolish virgins 182

I will Visit thee 182

Spare no arrows 182

Traditions of men 182

Worship The King 182

Get Understanding 182

Signs on the earth 182

The End of the World 182

The Kingdom of Heaven 182

Hiroshima and Nagasaki 182

A burnt mountain 183

A Sure Foundation 183

My Covenant of Peace 183

I Make all things New 183

The Clouds of Heaven 183

The midst of Israel 183

We esteemed Him not 183

The Priest's Office 183

O My servant Jacob 183

The Holy Spirit 184

Two great lights 184

From everlasting 184

The LORD of Hosts 184

Not day nor night 184

O Daughter of Zion 184

I AM The LORD thy GOD 184

Hide thee in the dust 184

From the end of heaven 184

The golden city ceased! 184

They seek thee not 185

by My Name YAHUWAH 185

The Way of The LORD 185

The King of the Jews 185

I Will do a new thing 185

The Wrath of The Lamb 185

The land of the chaldeans 185

The House of Israel 186
Shall be Established in 186
The stars of heaven 186
Bless His Holy Name 186

A destroying wind 187
The king of assyria 187
The sinful kingdom 187

His Strange Work 187

The Marriage of The Lamb 187

They that mourn 188
Jesus of Nazareth 188
HE Bare the sin of Many 188

The lady of kingdoms 188
How is babylon become 188
The name of blasphemy 188

The burden of babylon 189

The vine of the earth 189

Shall be a wilderness 189

The daughters of men 189

The LORD from Heaven 189

The Stick of Joseph 189

Twelve Thousand 189

The Beginning and The End 189

Messianic Israelite 190

Everlasting Father 190

Stretched Out ARM 190

A Holy Priesthood 190

Springs of Water 190

The Way of Truth 190

The united states 190

The midst of babylon 190

The Eyes of The LORD 190

The Voice of The LORD 190

The Sweat of thy Face 190

O daughter of babylon 191

The Tribes of Israel 191
The Cloud of The Lord 191
A twinkling of an eye 191
The Salt of the earth 191
The Children of Israel 191

Fellowservants 191

The Lively Oracles 191

King James Version 191

The Messiah of Israel 192

The Light of The LORD 192

The Portion of Jacob 192

An Ark of Gopher Wood 192

Transgressors 192

son of the morning! 192

The king of the medes 192

The walls of Babylon 192

Yeshua of Nazareth 193

The Trumpet of GOD 193

Threshingfloors 193

A Covenant with Death 193

As a Woman in Travail 193

Unrighteously 194

Twelve Apostles 194

Hear instruction 194

A Spiritual House 194

Born of The Spirit 194

The Time of Harvest 194

The sins of jeroboam 194

The Gate of My People 194

Remember the Sabbath day 195
A Cloud and Smoke by day 195
The children of Adonikam 195
The Redeemed of The Lord 195
Eating swine's flesh(Isaiah 66:17)195
The House of Joseph 195
Shall come a rumour 195

That evil servant 196

Unprofitableness 196

Mystery babylon 196

Write the Vision 196

Accumulative Method 196

A City not forsaken 196

The Word of The LORD 196

Ye Shall be My people 196

Galilee of the gentiles 196

LORD of heaven and earth 196

The number of his name 196

Transgressions 197

Notwithstanding 197 (1st word in KJV that equals 197)

As Lively Stones 197
The Holy Jerusalem 197
A Tooth for a Tooth 197
The Day of Distress 197
A Great White Throne 197
Galilee of the nations 197
As the colour of Amber 197

Lovingkindnesses 198

Prosperously 199

Great destruction 199

I will destroy man 199

A very great valley 199

A mighty expert man 199

They shall go forth 199

The Sight of The LORD 199

A mist from the earth 199

The Hymn of The Pearl 199

The kings of the earth 199

Like as of a great people 199

None shall make Him afraid 199

Enter into The Rock 200
Acquainted with grief 200
As a Lamp that Burneth 200
It is become like a stick 200

The Mighty One of Jacob 201
The Seed is The Messiah 201
A Kingdom of Priests 201
Set up the Watchmen 201
Shall Jerusalem say 201
Washing by The Word 201
A Royal Priesthood 201
Consecutive method 201

Sin lieth at the door 202

The curse of The LORD 202

The Field is the world 202

The Daughter of Zion 202

The northern army 202

With His stripes 202

Superscription 202

Uncorruptness 203

The trees of the garden 203

The remnant of Israel 203

Twelve gates Israel 203

Heart mind strength 203

Trust in The LORD 203

Love your enemies 203

The utmost border 203

pangs and sorrows 203

The Thousand Years 203

The Work of The LORD 203

Presumptuous 204 ( only 204 word in scripture x2)

Hell and destruction 204

An Holy Priesthood 204

Three hundred cubits 204

The House of The LORD 204

The Offspring of David 204

the inhabitants of chaldea 205

daughter of the chaldeans 205

the beasts of the earth 205

the covenant of her GOD 205

the kingdoms of ararat 205

The Ten Commandments 206
I saw Visions of GOD 206
The Veil of the Temple 206

egypt is the world 206
The blood of Jerusalem 206
The land of graven images 206

Male and female created HE them 207

The Son of Man is LORD 207

The Temple of His Body 207

It shall come to pass 207

A spirit of judgment 207

I destroy kingdoms 207

The horse and his rider 207

Written in The Book 208
One Hundred Fifty One 208
Slay all her bullocks 208
A Lamb to the Slaughter 208
The Name of GOD Almighty 208
The Sun shall be Darkened 208

A Perpetual Covenant 209

Keep My Commandments 209

The First and the Last 209

The Number of the days 209

Inhabitants of babylon 209

The valley of decision 209

The soul of the wicked 209

The care of this world 209

The daughter of babylon 209

The host of the battle 209

It shall not be inhabited 209

Mount up to heaven 210

Speaking great things 210

The house of the wicked 210

Like a woman in travail 210

At the end It shall speak 210

The Gates of Jerusalem 210

I AM The Lord your GOD 210

The people of Elohiym 210

The Holy prophets 210

The Heavens and the Earth 211

The End of these things? 211

The reward of the wicked 211

The Ark of The Covenant 211

Shall Sing for babylon 211

Give me understanding 211
The poor in spirit 211

Let us declare in Zion 212
The Holy One of Israel 212
The Blood seven times 212
I considered the horns 212
The holes of the rocks 212
The tribes of the earth 212

The son of perdition 212
The manhattan project 212
The children of the devil 212

And the Angel said unto me 212
I AM The Beginning and The End 212

The Mouth of The LORD 213

The serpent beguiled me 213

One world currency 213

The families of the earth 213

The fruit of the womb 214

Remember the LORD afar off 214

The Name of The Son of GOD 215
The faith of The Nazarene 215
The Light of the world 215

The land of their enemies 215
Her time is near to come 215
Sudden destruction 215

The chariot and his rider 216

All the Children of Israel 216

The Voice of The LORD GOD 216

The Covenant of My Peace 216

The Bond of The Covenant 216

The Fruits of the Field 216

The Inhabitant of Zion 216

One hundred eighty one 216

The Crown of the Wise 216

The rivers of babylon 216

Understand Knowledge 216

In Him will i trust 216

It will not tarry 216

Seven are an abomination 217
The Heavens Were Opened 217
One hundred seventeen 217
Spiritual Sacrifices 217
Twenty shekels a day 217
Thou shalt not kill 217
Shut up The Words 217

The bottomless pit 218
One hundred seventy 218
Generation of vipers 218
The sides of the north 218

The Kingdom and Dominion 218
The Anointed of The LORD 218

The Mount of Olives 219
Ruler against ruler 219
They shall hunt them 219
The Mount of The Lord 219
The stars of the Heaven 219
The moon under her feet 219
The least in The Kingdom 219
The Commandment is a Lamp 219

The abundance of her delicacies 220
The way of a man with a maid 220
The Word of The Kingdom 220
The first will be last 220

The golden wedge of Ophir 221
Make bright the arrows 221
The Daughters of Zion 221
The Way of His saints 221
Fast of the Firstborn 221
The Shroud of Turin 221
It Will surely Come 221

Two thousand eleven 223

The glory of kingdoms 223
The prince of the devils 223
Alas, alas that great city 223
The chief ones of the earth 223

I Will Walk among you 223
The Salvation Thereof 223
The Everlasting Father 223
The Blessing of The LORD 223

The north country 224
The habitation of devils 224
It shall never be inhabited 224

Two thousand fifteen 225

The great tribulation 225

Every eye will see Him 225

A sharp twoedged sword 225

I Will give Peace in The Land 225

Forgive us our debts 226

The mother of harlots 226

Abundant in treasures 226

First John five seven 226

upon every fenced wall 226

Enter into The Kingdom 226

They shall not be found 226

It shall bruise thy head 226

The roman catholic church 226

Am I my brother's keeper? 226

Let nothing of her be left 226

he shall come up like a lion 226

John twenty one- ten 227
The Spirit of The LORD 227
The Judgment shall sit 227
The abundance of her glory 227
The fierce anger of The LORD 227

The Mountain Smoking 228

The Day of their Calamity 228

Hear The Word of The LORD 228

I will save thee from afar 228

With the rich in His death 228

Two Hundred Sixty 229
The LORD of The Harvest 229
The Revealer of Secrets 229
The Work of The LORD GOD 229
Thy Will be done in earth 229
The Deep and Secret things 229
He shall be Saved out of It 229

Their faces shall be as flames 229

Alas! For that Day is Great 230

The Day of The LORD cometh 230

The reapers are the angels 230

None shall make you afraid 230

One hundred fifty three 230

The Spirit of Burning. 230

The dust of the ground 230

Thou shalt not steal. 230

Like burning coals of fire 231

The mother of all living 231

The former of all things 231

Which also beareth fruit 231

The nations of the earth 231

The Words are closed up 231

The seven last plagues 231

The russian federation 231

The hindermost nation 231

The statue of liberty 231

Fourteen generations 231

Seventeenth tammuz 231

precept upon precept 232
One hundred fifty two 232
The midst of Euphrates 232
I AM the First and the Last 232
Smitten of GOD and Afflicted 232
Like the Appearance of Lamps 232
The way of an eagle in the air 232
A Wheel in the Middle of a Wheel 232

The House of The GOD of Jacob 233

Knowledge Shall be Increased 233

The Children of the Kingdom 233

The Rod of His inheritance 233

The Pleasure of The LORD 233

The Living in Jerusalem 233

A Multitude of Waters 233

The Seed is The Word of GOD 234
The Gospel of The Kingdom 234

I will fill thee with men 234
The drunkards of Ephraim 234

HE opened not His Mouth 234

Doth HE not speak Parables? 235

The Healing of the nations 235

The Hope of their fathers 235

The sixth part of an hin 235

With Stammering Lips 235

An offering in a clean vessel 236

Make it plain upon tables 236

Three Hundred and Ninety 236

Love covereth all sins 236

Thy Law is The Truth 237
My Counsel shall stand 237
In that day Seven Women 237
His Grave with the wicked 237
The Vengeance of His Temple 237
Shall be given into his hand 237

One Wheel upon the earth 238
The True Sayings of GOD 238
The kingdoms of nations 238
Thou shalt not covet 238
Everlasting contempt 238

mohammad is a False Prophet 238

The Spirit is Truth 239
Carried our sorrows 239
I will multiply them 239
The everlasting gospel 239
The Spirit of judgment 239
In this horn were eyes 239
One world government 239

The rough caterpillers 240

The fruit of the ground 240

The rivers have spoiled 240

The residue of His people 240

The Habitation of Justice 240

The merchants of the earth 240

The counting of the Omer 241
Three measures of barley 241
The remnant of the people 241
The Great Day of His Wrath 241
Israel is a scattered sheep 241
A dwellingplace for dragons 241

The iniquity of Israel 242
No form nor comeliness 242
Not of Corruptible Seed 242
The noise of a multitude 242
The patience of the saints 242
It shall not come nigh thee 242
The beast that carrieth her 242
The Day of The LORD is at hand 242

Destroying mountain 243
The captivity of Zion 243
The iniquity of us all 243
Her foundations are fallen 243
They shall become as women 243
And begat sons and daughters 243

The Mountains of Israel 244

Open her storehouses 245
The waters of the river 245
The daughter of My people 245
We would have healed babylon 245
Behind one tree in the midst 245
Shall be found no more at all 245

A tumultuous noise 246
We will eat our own bread 246

Let Us make man in Our Image 247
HE shall prolong His days 247
A continuing whirlwind 247
Two thousand twelve 247

The Name of The LORD thy GOD 248

GOD blessed the seventh day 248

The multitude of people 248

Their worm shall not die 248

A golden cup in The LORD's Hand 249

The children of the wicked one 249

The Young Children ask bread 249

The Children of Thy people 249

I Will also Glorify them 250
that It shall no more be said 250 (Jeremiah 16:14)

John twenty one eleven 251
The Spirit of Prophecy 251
Generation to Generation 251
Many shall run to and fro 251
Come Out of her, My people 251
Shall be Great Tribulation 251
Shall be consumed together 251

The Evening and the Morning 251

I make a full end of all nations 252
The Coming of the Son of Man be 252
We were like them that dream 252
The Shadow of The Almighty 252
The Fruit of The Spirit 252
One hundred forty four 252
Deuteronomy six four 252

A Precious Cornerstone 253
Holiness unto THE LORD 253
The Way of Understanding 253
The Hope of the Righteous 253
The Vail of the Sanctuary 253
Shall be given to The People 253

he shall subdue three kings 253

We will Walk in His Paths 254

Their Redeemer is Strong 254

upon every high tower 254

The wilderness of egypt 255
Virgin daughter of babylon 255
Red Wood forest california 255
As blind men in the streets 255
From one Sabbath to another 255
I Will Set A Sign among them 255

The lake of fire and brimstone 255

Two thousand sixteen 256
plucked up by the roots 256
The wall of babylon shall fall 256
Sealed till the time of the end 256
The Lion of The Tribe of Judah 256
The Habitation of the Just 256

Faithful and wise servant 257
Three days and three nights 257
The Greatest in The Kingdom 257
Whom shall HE Teach Knowledge? 257

HE Openeth Not His Mouth 258
The LORD Dwelleth in Zion 258
A faithful and wise servant 258

Destroy her utterly 258
The deceitfulness of riches 258
With hell are we at agreement 258

My Righteous Servant 259
Two thousand thirteen 259
The Fountains of waters 259
A Crown of Twelve Stars 259
The Everlasting Covenant 259
The Prophecy of this Book 259
The Supper of The Great GOD 259

Citizen of the Kingdom of GOD 260_(a) 261
A Great sound of a Trumpet 260
The Glory of His Majesty 260

The hammer of the whole earth 260

It was without number 261
The wise shall understand 261
Ye shall make you no idols 261
The united states of america 261
The heaven departed as a scroll 261

The great transgression 262
The beginning of sorrows 262
The Noise of The Trumpet 262
The Ministers of The LORD 262

Thy Torah is The Truth 263
One hundred sixty two 263
Two hundred sixty one 263
The seven heads and ten horns 263
It is the land of graven images 263

One hundred thirty three 264
It shall be wholly desolate 264
The land of unwalled villages 264
He is despised and rejected of men 264

Two thousand fourteen 264

Wisdom and Instruction 264

The Top of The Mountains 264

The Bright and Morning Star 264
The LORD Blessed the Sabbath Day 264

Exalt the voice unto them 265
Remove not the old landmark 265
Seek first The Kingdom of GOD 265
Let Thine enemies be scattered 265

The sceptre of the rulers 266

The united states capitol 266

A sword is upon the liars 266

I will open your graves 266

Twelve manner of fruits 266

Were oppressed together 266

An everlasting foundation 266

The voice of the latter sign 266

The highway of the upright 267
As the voice of many waters 267

Shall be exalted above the hills 268

The Greatness of the Kingdom 268

The Day of The LORD of Hosts 268

The Saints of The Most High 268

The Testimony of Jesus 268

He rested on the seventh day 269
Here a little and there a little 269

As the voice of a great thunder 270

A sound of battle is in the land 270

The Seventh Day is the Sabbath 270

The praise of the whole earth 270

A Path in the mighty waters 270

The firstlings of His flock 270

The land of their captivity 270

Every Word of GOD is pure 270

The First Resurrection 270

Thy word is very pure 271
Ye are even My Witnesses 271
The Holy is Understanding 271
HE will Teach us of His Ways 271
The Abomination and the mouse 271
Pangs as of a woman in travail 271

A Root out of a dry ground 273

They shall declare My Glory 273

HE made His grave with the wicked 273

The chastisement of our peace 274

An assembly of great nations 275

The inhabitants of Jerusalem 275

The daughter of My dispersed 275

A measure of wheat for a penny 275

It shall not come unto us 276
Her walls are thrown down 276
They refused to let them go 276
They shall not delight in it 276
Every man's heart shall melt 276
The inhabitants of the world 276
Wisdom hath builded her house 276

In those days and in that time 277
The House of the Righteous 277

HE will discover thy sins 278
The foundation of the world 278
I will be with him in trouble 278
I will not make a full end of thee 278
Their visage is blacker than a coal 278

Go ye out of the midst of her 279
The wrath of her fornication 279

Another shall rise after them 280

Our Father Which Art In Heaven 280
They were whiter than milk 280

The Lord of Hosts Is His Name 281
Wisdom is too high for a fool 281

The abomination of desolation 281

Upon all the High Mountains 282
The Zeal of the LORD of Hosts 282
The Marriage Supper of The Lamb 282
Heaven and Earth shall pass away 283
I will kindle a fire in his cities 283
An hundred and twenty years 283
The Work of The LORD our GOD 283
I Set My Tabernacle among you 283
HE shall bear their iniquities 283
The Righteous are bold as a lion 283

Which Liveth and Abideth For Ever 284
I kept the matter in my heart 284
The Wilderness of the people 284
With Power and Great Glory 284

Three Hundred and Ninety Days 285
Three Hundred ninety Years 285
They are mad upon their idols 285
I have created him for My Glory 285
The light of the body is the eye 285
her whole land shall be confounded 285

HE shall judge among the nations 287
The Sun of Righteousness 287
Marrying and giving in marriage 287

The breath of our nostrils 288

A mouth speaking great things 288

As the stars for ever and ever 288

At evening time It shall be light 288

With His Stripes we are Healed 289

Who shall declare His Generation 290

the united states congress 290

A desolation among the nations! 290

I will correct thee in measure 290

Upon all pleasant pictures 290
The palestinian authority 290

Two Hundred Thrity Two 290

The Witness of GOD is greater 291
The four corners of the earth 291
Who will appoint me the time? 291
The Precious Sons of Zion 291

The Controversy of Zion 292
Trust in The LORD Forever 292
The princes of the provinces 292
The many thousands of Israel 292
Six things doth The LORD hate 292
The people shall labour in vain 292
The people of the prince to come 292

The Secret Place of The Most High 293
The power of the Holy people 293
Who hath believed our report 293
Beyond the rivers of ethiopia 293
That He may run that Readeth It 293

Wherefore didst thou marvel? 294
Their works do follow them 294
six hundred sixty and six 294

Flee out of the midst of Babylon 295
The new heavens and the new earth 295
The parable of the tares of the field 295

The land shadowing with wings 296
I will raise up against babylon 296

A thousand shall fall at thy side 297

The Increase of His Government 297

I will bring Seven times more 297

Thy commandments are truth 298

The Mount of the Congregation 298

The time of their Visitation 299
The weapons of His Indignation 299
The voice of them that flee and escape 299
I will heal thee of thy wounds 299

Strong and without number 301
From one new moon to another 301

I have also called My Mighty Ones 302
The appearance of a flash of lightning 302

They shall be amazed one at another 303
The slain of The LORD shall be many 303
bruised for our iniquities 303

Thy Word is settled in heaven 304
A taunting proverb against him 304
The Wall of the daughter of Zion 304
All we like sheep have gone astray 304

dwellest upon many waters 305

The House of The LORD of Hosts 306

A dog returneth to his vomit 306

The Great and Dreadful Day of The LORD 307
Many shall be purified and made white 307
The brightness of the firmament 307
Cut off the sower from babylon 307

A multitude in the mountains 308
The wrath of The LORD of Hosts 308
Like unto the colour of a beryl 308
Shall befall you in the last days 308

I Am The Way The Truth and The Life 309
It shall come to pass in that day 309
They shall come and see My Glory 309
Thus Saith The Lord of Hosts 309
My Holy Mountain Jerusalem 309
Two hundred and thirty Two 309

I will deliver him and honour him 310
The just shall live by his faith 310
Them that rejoice in My Highness 310
The hour of His judgment is come 310
A nation is come up upon My Land 310
Seven times for your sins 310

babylon the great is fallen,is fallen 311
The fear of The LORD is to hate evil 311
The usa is the daughter of babylon 311
he shall be diverse from the first 311
Deliver ye every man his soul 311
The Tribulation of those days 311
My Soul Shall Not Abhor you 311

Yet hath he not root in himself 312

The voice of them that make merry 312

Buy the truth, and sell it not 313
The generation of Jesus Christ 313
Six hundred threescore and six 313
Shall the inhabitant of Zion say 313
The time of her harvest shall come 313
Neither shall their fire be quenched 313

All faces are turned into paleness 314
I AM The LORD that maketh all things 314
HE was oppressed and HE was afflicted 314

The way of a serpent upon a rock 315
Against the mountains of Israel 315
The iniquity of their fathers 315
Whither The Spirit was to go 315

Thus saith the LORD that made thee 317
As a Sheep before her shearers is dumb 317
The sun and the moon shall be darkened 317

A sword is upon their horses 318
HE is my Refuge and my Fortress 318
The land shall tremble and sorrow 318
Her judgment reacheth unto heaven 318
I will punish the king of babylon 318
The cry is heard among the nations 318
According to the number of the days 318
The Tribes of the Children of Israel 318

I have appointed thee each day for a year 319

The Shining of a Flaming Fire by night 320
They have no rest day nor night 320
This generation shall not pass 320

The moon shall not give her light 321

She hath been proud against The LORD 322
Sixteen hundred Pennsylvania 322

Thou hast forsaken Thy people 323

A Tabernacle for a Shadow in the day time 325
The Lord hath opened His Armoury 325
Their polishing was of sapphire 325

The beauty of the chaldees' excellency 326
They shall take away his dominion 326

The tree of knowledge of good and evil 327
Let no man deceive you by any means 327
They shall know that I AM The Lord 327
I Will open My Mouth in Parables 327
The LORD shall roar out of Zion 327
I will restore health unto thee 327

Bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh 328
A whirlwind came out of the north 328
HE will visit thine iniquity 328

Whom I will raise up unto them 329
A destruction from The Almighty 329
none of the wicked shall understand329

The filth of the Daughters of Zion 330
Thou shalt love thy neighbor 330
The Mountain of The LORD's House 330
The LORD GOD is an Everlasting Rock 330

A sword is upon her treasures 331
The Work of the LORD GOD of Hosts 331
A time and times and the dividing of time 331

Honor thy father and thy mother 332

They that sanctify themselves 332

This is the True GOD and eternal life 333

The abomination that maketh desolate 334

Like the colour of burnished brass 334
A Covert from storm and from rain 334
Thou shalt bear their iniquity 334

her high gates shall be burned with fire 336
The harvest is the end of the world 336

Reward her even as she rewarded you 337

I will give you rain in due season 337

The spirit of the kings of the medes 338

HE was despised and we esteemed Him not 339
Let us walk in The Light of The LORD 339
Wisdom is justified of her children 339
I Will pardon them whom I Reserve 339

Let them go down to the slaughter 340

The blood of prophets and of saints 341

For upon all The Glory shall be a Defence 342

her slain shall fall in the midst of her 342

shall shew great signs and wonders 343

the multitude of thy sorceries 343
Shall go into the holes of the rocks 344
I will send you Elijah the prophet 344

The iniquity of The House of Judah

HE shall throughly plead their cause 346
seven women shall take hold of one man 346

Their eyes shall not spare children 347

It is even the time of Jacob's trouble 347
They shall serve the LORD their GOD 347

Three hundred ninety times seven 348

Except there come a falling away first 349
It is withered,It is become like a stick 349
Shall come unto her from the north 349
The monthly prognosticators 349

Showing Mercy unto thousands 350

Upon all the hills that are lifted up 350

Recompense her according to her work 351

The nations have drunken of her wine 351

For precept must be upon precept 351

Thou shalt not bear false witness 351

Thou shalt not commit adultery 352
There are three that bear record in heaven 352
It shall devour all round about him 352
The Word of The LORD from Jerusalem 352
The LORD shall be King over all the earth 352

The Sanctuaries of The LORD's House 353

An hundred forty and four thousand
One hundred forty four thousand 354
Let Jerusalem come into your mind 354

Which hath the seven heads and ten horns 355
The military industrial complex 355

He shall see of the travail of His Soul 355

The lofty looks of man shall be humbled 356


The multitude of thine iniquity 359
HE was bruised for our iniquities 359
The Lost Sheep of the House of Israel 359
I will break his yoke from off thy neck 359

From time to time shalt thou eat it 360
HE is brought as a lamb to the slaughter 360

From time to time shalt thou drink 361
I Will gather all nations and tongues 361

The LORD Alone Shall be Exalted in that Day 361

I have set watchmen upon thy walls 362
Yet It Pleased The LORD to bruise Him 362
The place of The Name of The LORD of Hosts 362

A multitude of waters in the heavens 363

It shall come to pass in the last days 364
The iniquity of the house of Israel 364

The Father The Word and The Holy Ghost 365

The measure of thy covetousness 366

I Lay in Zion for A Foundation A Stone 367

One post shall run to meet another 368
august tenth nineteen forty five 368

The Coming of our LORD Jesus Christ 369

Thou shalt have no other gods before ME 369

They shall be an abhorring unto all flesh 369

The united states constitution 369

Like the ostriches in the wilderness 370

The House of Judah –and- The House of Israel 371
The usa will be destroyed in one hour 371
See whether a man doth travail with child? 371
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth 371

Riches profit not in the day of wrath 372

Shall all flesh come to worship before ME 375
I will even make a way in the wilderness 375

Wounded for our transgressions 376

For Mine Eyes are upon all their ways 377

In the latter days ye shall consider it 379

I will punish all that oppress them 380

The haughtiness of men shall be bowed down 381
I Will bring Israel again to his habitation 381

august sixth nineteen forty five 381

Clothed in fine linen and purple and scarlet 382

The great winepress of the wrath of God 383

His truth shall be thy shield and buckler 383

The heart of the children to their fathers 384

The City shall be builded upon her own heap 385

The sun shall be darkened in his going forth 386
This shall be a sign to the house of Israel 386

This is Zion, whom no man seeketh after 387
Her nazarites were purer than snow 387

To walk in The Law of The LORD GOD of Israel 388

Their wings were joined one to another 390
A thousand two hundred and ninety days 390

The least of the flock shall draw them out 391
violence in the land, ruler against ruler 391
The likeness of four living creatures 391

A nation meted out and trodden under foot 394
The hail shall sweep away the refuge of lies 394

I will punish you Seven times more 395

A Man of Sorrows and acquainted with Grief 396
I even I Will chastise you Seven times 396

Whom shall HE make to understand doctrine? 397

This is he which received seed by the way side 398

Two thousand seven hundred thirty 399

morning by morning shall it pass over 403

six hundred threescore and six talents 404

Twelve gates named for The Tribes of Israel 406
Blessed is the man who walks in The Law of GOD 406

The very hairs of your head are all numbered 407
Remember ye the Law of Moses My servant 407

The stars shall withdraw their shining 408

The Firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb 409

The chastisement of our peace was upon HIM 413

The same yesterday today and tomorrow 414

Shall not all these take up a parable against him 414

He was taken from prison and from judgment 415
I Know their works and their thoughts 415

I will Pour My Spirit upon thy seed 416
When HE Ariseth to shake terribly the earth 416

The moon shall not cause her light to shine 417

They were two hundred and thirty two 418
They were more ruddy in body than rubies 418

Their congregation shall be established before Me 420

Upon every one that is proud and lofty 423
shall wear out the saints of The Most High 423

HE was Numbered with the transgressors 423

The Salvation thereof as A Lamp that burneth 423

Saviours shall come up on Mount Zion 425

There came up among them another little horn 425

In the last days perilous times shall come 426

Revelation twenty two- twenty one 427

I will tell thee the mystery of the woman 430

HE was wounded for our transgressions 432

O thou that dwellest upon many waters 433

The LORD shall rise up as in mount Perazim 437
It will surely come, It will not tarry 437

Who is that shepherd that will stand before Me?,438

For the vision is yet for an appointed time 439

The Branch of The LORD be Beautiful and Glorious 440
Under His Shadow we shall live among the heathen 440

They worship the work of their own hands 445

Every purpose of The LORD shall be performed 447
The destruction of the daughter of My people 447
The LORD hath laid on Him the iniquity of us all 447

he shall speak great words against The Most High 450

Shall be established in The Top of The Mountains 450

Write the vision and make it plain upon tables 451

Every man's sword shall be against his brother 453

I will bring again the captivity of Jacob's tents 454

A people terrible from their beginning hitherto 455

six hundred threescore and six talents of gold 463

Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth 465

It went up and down among the living creatures 469

Let us go every one into his own country 470

Purify themselves in the gardens behind one tree 471

The ten horns out of this kingdom are ten kings 475

The broad walls of babylon shall be utterly broken 477

The iniquity of The House of Judah forty days 477

The Pleasure of The LORD shall prosper in His hand 478

I have laid upon thee the years of their iniquity 481

I will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh 482

HE will no more carry thee away into captivity 485

The care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches 486

They shall beat their swords into plowshares 490

I will Pour Water upon him that is thirsty 494
The thousand three hundred and five and thirty days 494

He shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children 495

The violence done to me and to my flesh be upon babylon 495
the spoilers shall come unto her from the north 495

At the noise of the taking of babylon the earth is moved 496

Strangers shall no more serve themselves of him 501

The whirlwind of The LORD goeth forth with fury 508

Their governor shall proceed from the midst of them 509

I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle 511

An hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight 518

When the overflowing scourge shall pass through 521

His soul shall be satisfied upon Mount Ephraim and Gilead 530

The bed is shorter than that a man can stretch himself on it 537

It shall be a vexation only to understand the report 545

Will not hold him guiltless that taketh His Name in vain. 550

For by fire and by His Sword will The LORD plead with all flesh 576

Thy Righteousness Is An Everlasting Righteousness 586